“My blue world - Hybrid cyanotypes”


it will be worth the wait.

“My world, my home, my habitat” … is a spatial, physical, emotional and psychological concept. It is a symbol of refuge, trust and protection, guardian of our identity - facilitator of the human being's emotional development process. This feeling of confidence guarantees the bases for the human being to advance in the psychic process of forming an autonomous self and feel safe to inhabit the shared reality.

“My world” is a physical or emotional space that shelters thought and imagination, it is a product of the feeling of welcome, of comfort, that shelters daydreaming, that allows us to dream in peace, that sustains us through storms. “My blue world” is a place of creativity, transformation and adaptation, youth and joy, travel and evasion, longing and melancholy, trust and tranquility, a place where sky, land and sea touch each other, in the infinite. It is where we learn to “live” in ourselves, where memories and dreams mix, it is a journey to a dreamlike place where our unconscious is housed, nourishing us and strengthening us emotionally to face the challenges of external reality.

The places where daydreaming was lived reconstitute themselves in a new daydream, and this return to the dwelling of the imagination, to our corner of the world, is like a return to oneself. (Work in Progress…)
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